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Sloth Plays Santa on Christmas Eve A Short Children’s Story

Sloth Plays Santa on Christmas Eve Kids Book

Sloth Plays Santa on Christmas Eve A Short Children’s Story. Sloth heard about Christmas for the first time and wanted to know all about it. But when he tried to play Santa he got a surprise.

Sloth Plays Santa on Christmas Eve A Short Children’s Story

We always wanted to have this  Sloth Christmas Kids story turn into an actual physical book.

We have been working with a local artist Jim Christiansen to make the artwork for the book.—- PUBLISH DATE ——– November 26, 2023

If you like the story or anything that is sloth-related like us you can buy the book here.

Hope everyone enjoys the upcoming book. Sloth on.

Sloth Plays Santa on Christmas Eve
A Short Children’s Story

By Ms. Margie Sue

Parrot Sloth Plays Santa on Christmas Eve

The bright red thing on the man’s head looked from a distance to the nearsighted parrot just like the red flowers that he loved so much.

He decided to grab it from the man. He flew happily away with his find.

But, this was bunchy and didn’t feel like a floral item at all, so after a while, he dropped it and went off to look for something better.

The sloth hanging upside down from the branch nearby was surprised to find this odd thing land on his stomach.

“What is this?” the sloth wondered aloud.

A passing monkey heard him and gave him a reply.

“That’s a Santa hat,” she said.

“What’s a Santa hat?” the sloth asked, slowly turning the strange thing around with his claw to see all sides of it.

“There’s a guy who goes around giving people things once a year. He wears a whole outfit that matches that hat.

People like to dress up like him around this time.”

The monkey was all about color coordination.

“What kinds of things and how?” the sloth asked next.

“Things they like and he rides in a flying box that deer pull,” was the answer.


The monkey shrugged. “A holiday they call Christmas when people think about doing nice things.”
And saying that, the monkey went on her way.

The sloth thought to himself. “I’d like to do that. Now I have a hat.

Next, I need things to give away and a travel box and something to pull it.”

He started by gathering insects and leaves from his tree, storing them in a nearby hollow in his tree.

Other animals and birds heard what he was doing and contributed seeds, flowers and other types of insects.

Gorilla Sloth Plays Santa on Christmas EveWhen the gorilla heard the story, he offered to build something to carry him.

The offer was accepted and soon, by lashing together fallen branches with vines, the gorilla had made a type of sled with branches fastened on top of each edge branch to enclose it.

“Thank you so much,” exclaimed the delighted sloth.

“You’re very welcome,” returned the gorilla.

The okapi, who was much like a deer, offered to pull the travel box and allow the sloth to distribute his gifts.

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Tethering the Okapi to the transport box, the sloth slowly descended from his tree on Christmas Eve. The gifts were lowered by birds.

The gorilla lifted the upright sloth into the luggage box. “Now I’ll put on the hat,” the sloth remarked, and did.

“Ready?” asked the okapi. “Yes, but don’t rush. You know I’m a sloth.”

The sloth threw the gifts over each side of the traveling box to the creatures watching as the okapi walked through the rainforest.

This was just at nightfall and when the stars began to come out everyone heard a jingling sound, then a “Ho, ho, ho!”

Next, anyone knew the sloth and his traveling box wasn’t attached to the okapi anymore but to the back of a large flying traveling box.

A man with a hat like the sloth’s and a suit to match was guiding eight reindeer back into the sky.

Santa Sloth Plays Santa on Christmas EveThe sloth had hardly recovered from his surprise when he heard the man say, “A Santa
sloth! This is wonderful!

You can help me bring presents to all the animals of the world.” And that’s exactly what he did.

The sloth found his box full of animal-friendly items as they flew over each continent and region.

Eucalyptus for Australian koalas, leaves and twigs for African zebras, and fruits and nuts for Asian black bears.

Food would miraculously appear in his traveling box and the sloth’s slightest movement would deliver it.

The sloth witnessed vast stretches of water, sand, snow, and ice, places he had never imagined.

Large mountains and magnificent vegetation and animals were there. He even spotted fish and sea creatures enjoying their gifts.

Dawn was approaching as the sky turned dark blue.

Santa Claus arrived back at the sloth’s tree. “Thank you for your help, Santa Sloth. Merry Christmas!”

The sloth’s traveling box disconnected from the large flying box and floated gently down.

The trip down was slow enough for the sloth to grab a branch and settle in comfortably before the box landed on the ground.

The sloth had never traveled that fast or that far in his life and even though he was still excited, he was very tired now.

“That was the best night of my life,” the sloth said. As he was tucking his hat into the hollow of his tree for next year, he saw some of his favorite fruit.

It was a gift from Santa. Before he fell asleep, he said “Ho………ho………ho!    Mer…….ry……..Christ……..mas!”

The End!

Sloth Plays Santa on Christmas Eve Written By Ms. Margie Sue Brogdon

Sloth Plays Santa on Christmas Eve. When the Sloth heard about Christmas for the first time and wanted to know all about it. But when he tried to play Santa he got a surprise.

Ms. Margie Sue writes Fantasy, Light Supernatural, and Short Stories.  She is an editor here at Sloth of The Day and helps us write good content for you to enjoy.

This Sloth Plays Santa story is her very own concept and we are very happy to post it.

If you would like to leave her a message, feedback, comments, or praise please leave them in the comments below.

See also  Tiny Baby Sloths in Onesies Will Make You Go Aaw

Book Credits

Writer Margie Sue Brogdon – Ms. Margie Sue Brogdon writes Fantasy, Light Supernatural, and Short Stories. You can see her writing on her site SkullGal.com. She also edits at Sloth of The Day. This kid’s story is her very own concept and we are very happy to finally publish it in a book format.

Illustrator Jim Christiansen – Award-winning watercolorist Jim Christiansen was born 1954, Riverside, CA. His art comes in numerous sizes and media. He drinks coffee with his cat every morning in his Modesto, CA, home studio. Jim has painted many watercolors, oils, acrylics, life drawings, and Sharpie murals. Find some of his work at coffeecatscalendar.com

Editor Leo Garcia – You will be able to find this book on our Sloth Store. You can also find this book and others we have made on our website Leo Garcia Books.

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Sloth Plays Santa on Christmas Eve A Short Children's Story
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Sloth Plays Santa on Christmas Eve A Short Children's Story
Sloth Plays Santa on Christmas Eve A Short Children's Story. Sloth heard about Christmas for the first time and wanted to know all about it. But when he tried to play Santa he got a surprise.
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Sloth of The Day
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